Aberdovy Medical Pty Ltd , trading as Kaleidoscope Skin Cancer Clinic (KSC) is a mixed billing practice, offering concessional rates to pensioners, health care card holders, DVA card holders and children. Our fees are set based on local market conditions, Australian Medical Association rates and the Medicare Benefits Scheme (MBS). KSC determines its own fee structure because of the inability of MBS fees to keep pace with inflation and the high costs associated with running a medical practice. The doctor is responsible at all times to determine the fee they feel is appropriate for the individual patient. Patients can discuss any personal financial difficulties with their doctor, which may limit their ability to pay the fees. Concessional appointments are not generally accepted in afterhours clinics, after 3pm weekdays and on weekends. Full payment is required on the day of attendance. Your Medicare Rebate will be between $42 – $83. KSC staff will submit the claim to Medicare electronically on your behalf. Medicare will deposit the rebate into the bank account you have registered with Medicare. 


KSC appreciates the value of your time, so we try to ensure that all appointments are on time and provide notification if we are running late. If you arrive late, we will do our best to provide a full and thorough service. However, as a courtesy to the next patient, your appointment duration may be reduced or rescheduled. If you cancel at late notice or fail to attend your appointment, someone else may miss out on the opportunity to have a skin cancer diagnosed and treated. If you are unable to attend your appointment and haven’t telephoned the clinic at least 24 hours in advance, you may be charged a non-attendance fee of $50 at your next appointment. This fee is not claimable on MBS or private health insurance. Please notify our administration team as soon as possible if you are running late for your appointment. If are feeling unwell, for the safety and wellbeing of our staff and your fellow patients, please telephone the Clinic to reschedule your appointment.    

A. 53 Barolin Street, Bundaberg QLD 4670

P. PO Box 2426, Bundaberg QLD 4670

T. 07 4150 3023        F. 07 4150 3020

E. [email protected]
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Monday - Thursday: 8.30 AM – 5.00 PM
Fri: 8.30 AM – 3.00 PM

Closed Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays


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