KSC’s expert team offer spot checks, comprehensive head-to-toe skin checks, mole mapping, photodynamic therapy, surgical and topical treatments. No referral necessary.
Experience the Kaleidoscope Skin Clinic difference
Our highly trained and experienced team is dedicated to the prevention, early detection, treatment and management of skin cancer in the Wide Bay Burnett Region. We combine cutting edge technology and good old fashioned know-how to provide the comprehensive and caring health care service you deserve.

Detection & Treatment
Melanoma diagnosis and survival rates are lower in regional Queensland. Kaleidoscope Skin Cancer Clinic’s mission is to help change that. Our skin doctors are highly experienced in a facets of skin cancer medicine. Trained to identify cancerous and “at risk” lesions, our doctors perform simple spot checks, head-to-toe skin checks and provide state-of-the-art mole-mapping services. Our doctors perform simple and complex surgical procedures and administer topical skin treatments, including photodynamic therapy. We work with your General Practitioner and Specialists to provide thorough and holistic care.

Awareness & Prevention
We can’t change the skin we’re given. Few people who work outdoors can just quit their jobs. And we wouldn’t change our laid back outdoor lifestyle. But you can protect yourself from the harsh Queensland sun and get your skin checked regularly. The fact is skin cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australia. About 14,000 Australians are diagnosed with melanoma each year, making us the highest rating country in the world. Queensland has the highest rate of melanoma in Australia. In the Wide Bay Burnett Region, one out of every 14 people will be diagnosed with melanoma by the time they turn 85.

A. 53 Barolin Street, Bundaberg QLD 4670
P. PO Box 2426, Bundaberg QLD 4670
T. 07 4150 3023 F. 07 4150 3020
E. [email protected]
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Monday - Thursday: 8.30 AM – 5.00 PM
Fri: 8.30 AM – 3.00 PM
Closed Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays
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