General Terms & Conditions
All material published on www.kaleidoscopeskinclinic.com.au, www.ksc.com.au and other associated platforms is subject to copyright. Accordingly, all rights are reserved and no part of this publication may be reproduced without prior written permission of Coral Coast Skin Pty Ltd (ABN 87 636 007 291), trading as Kaleidoscope Skin Cancer Clinic (KSC). The information contained within is given in good faith and obtained from sources believed to be accurate. All care is taken to ensure that the information on this website is accurate at the time of publication. Please note that information on cancer, including the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of cancer, is constantly being updated and revised by medical professionals and the research community. Always consult your doctor about matters that affect your health. This website is intended as a general introduction and should not be seen as a substitute for medical, legal or financial advice. You should obtain independent advice relevant to your specific situation from appropriate professionals. The views expressed are not necessarily those of Coral Coast Skin. Coral Coast Skin Pty Ltd and its partners, CG Blair and LC Statham-Blair, will not be held liable for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use or reliance on any information, advertisement, opinion, errors or omissions contained herein. Use of such material shall be at your own risk. By using this site you agree to act in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and use this site for lawful purposes only. You must not infringe the rights of anyone or restrict or inhibit anyone’s use of our site. This site is published ‘as is’ and ‘as available’, and we do not represent or warrant that the ongoing operation of this site will be at any given time uninterrupted, secure, confidential, error-free, complete or current. We conduct maintenance on this site regularly, so this site may at any given time have limited access, functionality or service without notice. We will not be liable if this site is not available at any given time or for any period of time. This site features advertising and links to third parties. We have no control over the content on those sites, and we will not be liable for any loss or damage you may suffer or incur when you use a third party site or resource. Links are contained on the website for information purposes only and do not imply any endorsement of those websites or products contained on those websites. You are solely responsible for determining what products and services, if any, are suitable for your purposes. At any time Coral Coast Skin Pty Ltd reserves the right to edit and/or alter any or all of these Terms and Conditions, and/or add new terms and conditions. If edits or alterations are made, we will make a new copy of these Terms and Conditions available on this site. Your continued use of this site will constitute your acceptance of any such changes. If any part of these Terms and Conditions is rendered unenforceable, void or illegal, it will be severed and the remaining Terms and Conditions will continue to have full force and effect. By using this site, there is no relationship of employment, partnership, agency or fiduciaries between you and Coral Coast Skin Pty Ltd. These Terms and Conditions are governed by and construed under the laws of Queensland, Australia.
Emails & Alerts
When you submit your email address and telephone number to this website we will add your contact details to a mailing list. You can unsubscribe from receiving KSC alerts or newsletters at any time by clicking the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of KSC emails. We produce and distribute four e-newsletters a year for our patients, supporters and stakeholders. We may also contact you from time-to-time to provide reminders for annual skin checks, update your contact details or confirm appointments. See our Privacy Policy for more information about how we protect our patients’ private information and health records.
Social Media
By contributing to our social media platforms you have agreed to adhere to the following Comment Code of Conduct. Social media is an open forum, but it should also be a family friendly one, so please keep your comments polite. When contributing, do not post any material that contains:
– hate speech
– profanity, obscenity or vulgarity
– comments that could be considered prejudicial, racist, inflammatory or encourage illegal activity
– nudity or offensive imagery
– defamation, name calling and/or personal attacks
– comments that infringe on copyrights
– spam comments, including the same comment posted repeatedly
– comments that are off topic
– personal information about you or another individual (including identifying information, email or home addresses or phone numbers)
– false representation of another individual, organisation, government or entity
Violation of our Comment Code of Conduct may result in the user being banned from making further comments or posts on our pages. Decisions to delete content or ban users are made at KSC’s absolute discretion and will occur without notice.
The appearance of external links or websites does not constitute an official endorsement of those websites by KSC.
We understand that social media is a 24/7 medium, but our moderation capabilities are not. Inappropriate posts and comments will be removed as soon as possible.
KSC may collect and use some of your information, and does not accept any liability as a result of any material posted on KSC social pages. The site is accessible to anyone on the internet, as such you should not post any comments that are private or that you do not want to be used and viewed by others. You are solely responsible for any legal or other repercussions that occur as a result of any comments you may post on the site and KSC assumes no responsibility or liability which may arise from your comments.
We ask that all users adhere to the relevant platforms’ community standards. For more information:
General Terms & Conditions

A. 53 Barolin Street, Bundaberg QLD 4670
P. PO Box 2426, Bundaberg QLD 4670
T. 07 4150 3023 F. 07 4150 3020
E. [email protected]
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Monday - Thursday: 8.30 AM – 5.00 PM
Fri: 8.30 AM – 3.00 PM
Closed Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays
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